Make+Think+Code is an evolving collaboration between PNCA and the regions amazing creative, tech, educational, nonprofit and civic communities.
Thank you all so much for your generosity, support, enthusiasm, and collaborative spirit.
In particular, we’d like to thank the following individuals and organisations for the generous donations of time, effort, expertise, talent, advice, ideas, technology and funding.
Donors & Sponsors
- Blue Star Donuts
- Breakside Brewery
- Crowd Supply
- Deschutes Brewing
- Design Portland
- Dot Dot Dash
- East Metro STEAM Partnership
- Free Geek
- Future Prairie
- Glowbox
- Helios Interactive
- Hopworks Brewery
- HTC Vive
- Intel
- Lagunitas Brewing Company
- Maryellen and Mike McCulloch
- Mozilla
- Nordic Semiconductor
- Nossa Familia
- Oculus
- O'Reilly Media
- Periscopic
- PJRC Electronics
- Superfab
- Upright Brewing
- Urban Farmer
- Wacom